Johann Wolfgang von Goethe West-East Divan
The influence of the Middle and Far East is an essential part of our culture. The rational thinking of the West entered into a synthesis with the mythical and intuitive early on. At the end of his career, Joseph Beuys set an example with the symbol of the Eurasienstab, Eurasia. In its beginnings, so-called modernism is inconceivable without the influences of China, Japan and the Arab countries. The exhibition of objects is intended to take account of this.
With artworks by Joseph Beuys, Camille Corot, Marcel Duchamp, Bert Löffler, Erich Mallina, Hermann Nitsch, Nam June Paik, Man Ray, Gregor Schmoll, Jing Song, Gonzalez Torres, Toulouse-lautrec, Chiyu Uemae, Franz West, var. objects.